What Happens During a Hysteroscopy?

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A hysteroscopy is a procedure healthcare providers use to look at problems such as heavy periods, unusual bleeding, postmenopausal bleeding, and repeated miscarriages. It is also used to diagnose certain conditions such as fibroids and polyps, your doctor will also be able to remove them surgically. The procedure can give the doctor a closer look at your cervix and uterus. 


What is a Hysteroscopy?

It is the exam healthcare providers use to examine the inside of your cervix and uterus. The doctor will use a thin flexible tube device through your vagina. Your doctor will use a hysteroscopy to collect a tissue sample, remove fibroids and polyps, and will also be able to prevent bleeding by using heat, freezing or chemicals. You are allowed to have local or no anaesthesia during the procedure. 


Who Needs to Do a Hysteroscopy?

You might consider getting a hysteroscopy if your pap smear results are abnormal if you experience abnormal vaginal bleeding, if you are bleeding after menopause and if you are experiencing repeated miscarriages. You are not allowed to have a hysteroscopy while you are pregnant. 


What Are The Complications of a Hysteroscopy?

A hysteroscopy can result in complications such as infection, bleeding, pelvic inflammatory disease, and tearing of the uterus or damage to the cervix. 


How Do I Prep For a Hysteroscopy?

Your healthcare provider will tell you what to expect and ask you any questions. You will need to sign a consent form, giving the doctor consent to perform the procedure on you. Your doctor might do a physical exam on you first and have blood tests done. If you are getting anaesthesia, you will have to fast the night and morning before the procedure. You should inform your healthcare provider if you are allergic to any medications. Inform your healthcare provider of any chronic medications that you are using. Your doctor will schedule the procedure after your period, before ovulation. 


What is The Process of Getting a Hysteroscopy?

Once you are at the hospital you will be checked into your room and asked to remove any jewellery and your clothes. You will be given a hospital gown to wear. You need to empty your bladder before the procedure. You will be transported to the theatre room and asked to lie down on the operating table. The anaesthetist will insert an IV line into your hand or arm to make you fall asleep. They will layer your vagina with an antiseptic before inserting the instrument to avoid infection. Your cervix will be dilated before they insert the hysteroscope. Your doctor will then examine the uterus wall for any abnormalities. They might also take tissue samples of your uterus and cervix. If your doctor needs to remove fibroids or polyps surgically, they will insert instruments through the hysteroscope. If it is a more complex case the doctor might insert a scope through your stomach (laparoscope). 


Is a Hysteroscopy Painful?

The procedure is not supposed to be painful because you will be asleep under anaesthesia. You might experience lower abdominal cramps, similar to period pains after the procedure. But it will go away with over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen and paracetamol. 


What Happens After a Hysteroscopy?

Your recovery will be based on the type of anaesthesia your doctor used. Your healthcare provider will track your pulse and blood pressure after your procedure. You usually don’t need special care after the procedure. You can expect to have lower abdominal cramps and vaginal bleeding or discharge. You might have a sting in you shoulder, this is due to the gas that was used during the procedure to open the uterus. You can take pain medication after the procedure to help with uncomfortable stomach or uterus pains. 


How Long Will it Take For The Uterus to Heal After a Hysteroscopy?

You might experience light vaginal bleeding after the procedure and your stomach might feel bloated because of the air that was used during the procedure. The air in your stomach might cause should pain. You will be able to go back to your normal activities 1-2 days after the procedure. 

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