Restoring Fertility

Minimally invasive treatments can be offered to restore fertility. Unfortunately, numerous conditions reduce fertility, such as age, fibroids, polyps and malformations. However, with particular surgeries, it can be possible to restore fertility.

Restoring Fertility: How Does it Work?

Following testing for infertility, numerous methods can be attempted to restore fertility to conceive naturally. These can be in the form of medication or surgery.

Patients often wish to restore fertility:

  • To have the option to conceive and carry your child
  • To provide an alternative solution, so IVF is not necessary
  • As it increases the chances of conceiving

Risks of Fertility Restoration

Risks associated with restoring fertility include:

  • There is a small risk the surgery is unsuccessful
  • Wound infection
  • Bruising
  • Hematoma formation
  • Anaesthetic-related complications
  • Injury to blood vessels of the abdominal wall or those of the lower abdomen and pelvic sidewall. Injury to the urinary tract or the bowel

What to Expect From the Procedure

No two treatments for restoring fertility will be the same. However, patients should expect and consider:

  • Laparoscopic or hysteroscopic surgery involves removing abnormalities, such as endometrial polyps, fibroids, pelvic or uterine adhesions or correcting an abnormally shaped uterus. These procedures will all increase your chances of getting pregnant
  • Tubal surgeries involve correcting blocked fallopian tubes. However, depending on the severity of the damage, IVF may be required anyway. If your fallopian tubes are filled with fluid, you may need laparoscopic surgery to correct this

How Much Does Fertility Restoration Cost?

  1. Treatment plans to restore fertility begin at around £3,680 in the UK. 
  2. Fertility treatment funded by the NHS varies across the UK. Waiting lists for treatment can be very long in some areas. The eligibility criteria can also vary, but your GP will be able to advise about your eligibility for treatment.
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